Entertainer's Application
Apply now!

You must be at least 18 years old to apply.

You can apply for a position with us simply by entering your contact information below.
* required field

I am over the age of 18: YES NO
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Phone Number:
*Birth Date:
Schedule Please indicate the hours you will be available. The more time you dedicate, the more calls you will get, which translates into more profit for you. Saturday or Sunday are great income opportunities.
*** Please select either am or pm***
Time Zone
Can you convincingly perform any accents, and if so which ones?
Do you have Internet access?
Can you perform as a Mistress?
Have you ever worked for an entertainment service?
If yes, please list name, dates of service, web site, and why you left.
Additional information:
Thank you for submitting your application.

We will contact you as soon as a position that matches your qualifications becomes available.